Please find below some standard documents to download to help you with the editing process. Please note that these documents are generic and must be modified to suit your local situation and the purpose of your videos.

Consent and rights
The patient must be informed of his or her rights and a consent form must be signed, as well as a right to the image. A right to image and voice must also be signed by the healthcare workers appearing in the video. These documents are specific to your healthcare institution and the purpose of the video. The documents to be downloaded here must be customised for your use.
French Urology Association (AFU) ethics’ statement for live surgery
Standard consent form for APHP-UPCité (French version 26th May 2024)
Templates and graphic guidelines
Powerpoint template: “title page” and “intro/conclusion”
Graphic guidelines of Université Paris Cité
Transparent 1080p overlay (UPCité logo top left)
Read more

Surgical Video Summarization: Multifarious Uses, Summarization Process and Ad-Hoc Coordination
While surgical videos are valuable support material for activities around surgery, their summarization demands great amounts of time from surgeons, limiting the production of videos. Through fieldwork, we show current practices around surgical videos. First, we...

ResoMeds: a social network sharing videos
Case reports enrich medical knowledge and training, and improve practice [1-4]. However, their publication is often limited in existing journals [5]. We aim to highlight the importance of creating a platform for physician exchange to promote peer learning, case...

Videos improve knowledge retention of surgical anatomy
In otolaryngology, a new publication shows that an educational video improves anatomy learning and knowledge retention in the long term. This study conducted by the ENT team at Necker-Enfants Malades, APHP (Université Paris Cité) and led by Pr François Simon shows the...

Surgical videos: using the most efficient medium. AGOF’s associative experience
In 2010, the French National Authority for Health (HAS) issued the famous slogan for apprentice surgeons: "Never perform surgery on a patient for the first time" (1). It is sometimes difficult for a young surgeon to accept that he or she has not received sufficient...